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Donations Toys and Clothes in a paper bag

Don't know, what do you do with those items you no longer want in your home?

​Download your discarding guide here!

This guide will give you:​

  1. Concrete solutions for each category (clothes, books, papers, and the rest) on how and where to discard them.

  2. With options between donations and selling

  3. Templates for your listings for Kleinanzeigen and Vinted (in German)

Image of the discarding guide by Nazanine Eslamdoust Professional Organizer Ordnungscoach in Hamburg

You will also sign up for my newsletter. The newsletter costs €0 and is spam-free. I will not and never pass on your email address to third parties. You can unsubscribe anytime.

All information about data privacy can be found here.

What do you get downloading it?

  • Precise tips on where you can donate or sell what you don't want anymore

  • Best practice on how to leverage every possibility

  • Pros and cons for each solution, for you to choose what suits you the best

  • Listing Templates in German, so no der-die-das-den-dem-der-headache

Black woman saying "You're welcome"
Nazanine Eslamdoust Professional Organizer Ordnungscoach Hamburg in white t-shirt and brown hair smiling

Hi, I am Nazanine. 


I am a Iranian-French woman living in Hamburg, Germany since 2006.


As a professional organizer and a certified Consultant in Marie Kondo's KonMari® method, I’m passionate about helping you change your life ​by showing you how to declutter and organize your home.


I want you to reclaim your home, and take back your sanity to live a fantastic, stressless life, where you feel in control and full of energy for what really matters to you.


Basically, I want you to kick life's butt!​

Nazanine Eslamdoust | Professional Home Organizer | Decluttering and Organizing services in Hamburg

Providing professional home organizing, decluttering, and many other organizing services in and around Hamburg.

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