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  • Nazanine Eslamdoust

Do you feel stuck in this loop when organizing your home?

Updated: Mar 2

The myth of the perfectly organized home all the time

Does it feel like your home has to be perfectly organized all the time? Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed when your home is “messy” because of that?

You declutter, organize, then life gets a bit more complicated than normal and everything kind of derails. Your home feels like “a mess” again.

“Everyone else can manage, why not me?”

So, you try to correct the path.

But then something else happens, and then the same cycle happens again and again.

Your home will never be organized and tidied 100% of the time.

Here is what I want you to know: You will not be able to have a perfectly organized and tidied home 100% of the time.

It’s not possible.

NO ONE does, not me, not any professional organizer, not even Marie Kondo!

But when things derail, try to reflect on the events and why things derailed:

Is the organizing system you have put in place not the right one for your family?

Is it too complicated to maintain FOR YOU? Can you simplify it?

Is there anything missing?

Did something in your life changed, that needs to be integrated into your organizing system.

Perfect does not exist, and so why make it your goal?

Having an organized home is not about having a perfectly pinterest-able home.

It’s about having a home that makes it easy for YOU to navigate the chaos of life.

It’s about having a home that SERVES you.

It’s about tweaking the rules to see what works for you and your family and trying again.

It’s about finding your own definition of “being organized”.

Assess where you are now.

Maybe your home looks like you want it to look like 20% of the time?

Good. Now, you need to build from there, slowly, with intention, learning every day.

Being organized is a matter of practice, nothing else.

Maybe you’ll build to 40, 50%, even 60%.

ALL growth is valuable.

You can achieve your imperfectly perfect home, I promise.

Until next time,

Nazanine, your professional home organizer in and around Hamburg.

You want to declutter your home, but feel overwhelmed before even starting?

​Download your copy of my decluttering checklist today!

It's a (printable) checklist of all the categories and sub-categories. It will keep you on track and help you deal with the emotional overwhelm you feel when you are decluttering.

3. TTW Lead Magnet - EN - Decluttering Checklist_collage.jpg

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Nazanine Eslamdoust | Professional Home Organizer | Decluttering and Organizing services in Hamburg

Providing professional home organizing, decluttering, packing & unpacking, and many other organizing services in and around Hamburg, Lüneburg, Kiel, und Lübeck.

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